The Next Renaissance

The Next Renaissance

“The world stands at the cusp of a rare opportunity to shift our systems and way of thinking, planning and acting dramatically as a mood is emerging that transformation is possible. 

The solutions are in the air and renewal can be in the making. Perhaps a rebirth – a Renaissance.

Yet that emerging Next Renaissance cannot be grasped by a business as usual approach. 

Our challenge is clear – shifting our economic order and way of life that is materially expansive, socially divisive and environmentally hostile as well as our increasingly polarized political climate. 

Crises always provide a gateway from one world to the next and this is what our Next Renaissance platform seeks to encourage and support. 

Our focus is especially on the role of the cultural and creative sectors as we believe they are a catalytic driver to both imagine possible futures as well as to help make them happen.”

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EIT – Culture & Creativity Community

The Next Renaissance is a core project of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) on Culture & Creativity within which Charles is part of the core group developing the initiative.

This is a Knowledge and Innovation Community designed to strengthen and transform Europe’s Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) by connecting creatives and organisations to Europe’s largest innovation network. For the next 7 years it will launch and develop numerous projects.

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The Next Renaissance; Why, What & How

The aim for the Next Renaissance platform is to promote the need to dramatically reassess our ethics, values and priorities in addressing the major problems of our times.

Our belief is that the creative and cultural sectors, and especially blending scientific, technological, cultural and artistic knowledge, can be a catalytic driver to both imagine possible futures as well as to help make them happen. We aim to develop a global movement that sees this task as common sense and urgent. It argues for a paradigm shift in how we think, plan and act. Our strategy of influence and involves a range of activities gathering steam in 2024 that helps builds a community of active people who support our wider goals.

By Charles Landry, June 2023

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An article by Charles Landry

Riding the rapids of the great transformation

By Charles Landry, winter 2021

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